Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy Dining Out

Sticking to a fabulous eating program that is helping you get healthier one day at a time can be very doable, especially at home. You've got your favorite supersized Starbucks water bottle on hand, salmon marinating in the fridge, and fresh vegetables from the local farmer's market on the counter waiting to be chopped. But what about when your routine must be interrupted by life's demands- a work trip, an invitation to a birthday party at a restaurant, a schedule that forces you to be away from home at mealtime- what then?

Here are a few tips to help you stay on track so that success can be yours no matter where you find yourself eating, from the airport to your favorite restaurant.

1. It is so obvious, but must be said. Plan ahead! Keep protein bars in your purse and car and know what you plan to eat and when.
2. When traveling, call ahead to your hotel and ask for a room with a  microwave and refrigerator in it. You can buy healthy options and keep them in your room, rather than eating out every meal.
3. Eat small meals every 2.5-3 hours. You will never get ravenously hungry and eat 4000 calories before passing out in a haze of guilt if you keep your body properly fueled at regular intervals throughout the day.
4. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. If you are caught on the road at a mealtime, drink a lot of water, eat one of those protein bars you always keep with you, and keep driving right past that McDonald's.

When eating at a restaurant, use these tips to help you stay healthy and avoid falling off the wagon.

  • Order water to drink. Don't drink your calories. Instead, hydrate your body. It is SO good for you.
  • Just say no to bread. Trust me, you do not want to know how many calories a couple of pieces of garlic bread will add to your dinner. Many restaurants offer it with all meals. Head off your waiter and ask them not to bring it at all.
  • Americans have been conditioned by our culture to associate lots of food with having fun. Try it out and see- you can enjoy a night out with friends without eating unhealthy food. Food is fuel for your body. Rather than "trying" to avoid temptation, actively seek the healthiest option on the menu.
  • Look for lean meats such as chicken, fish, shellfish and lean cuts of beef that have been baked or broiled. Add to this lots of colorful vegetables!
  • Don't be shy about customizing the dinner you order. Even if it is a little extra effort for the waiter, ask them to put sauces and dressing on the side. Don't add salt.
  • Enjoy the food you get and eat it slowly. Think about the texture and taste. Enjoy your company, but don't mindlessly eat while you talk.
  • Do not view a meal out as a reward or a celebration. Reward yourself with time with family and friends (this can be done over a healthy meal), or with a manicure or a new pair of jeans. Your waistline will thank you and you will never regret this new attitude. And the jeans will fit better!
Follow these tips to create healthy habits for you and your family. Remember that your body is a reflection of what your long-term habits are. The healthy, fit people we would all like to look like do not drive through for coffee everyday and would probably not be caught dead eating fast food. Emulate the habits of those you would like to be like and soon, you will be one of those fabulous healthy people and someone will ask you, what is your secret?

It will be a happy day, trust me.  To your health!


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