Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Doesn't Have to be Scary

Here are some amazing health tips from a nurse that works with our program, Lori Andersen....................
 Halloween doesn’t have to be SCARY!
When I think of Halloween I think of candy!!! Loads of it…and that can be scarier than the goblins toting it around!!!  For those of us with a sweet tooth…what is to become of us on Halloween night? Well, there are a few helpful tips to remember when your sweet tooth is twitching…..

1)    DO NOT buy any Halloween candy! Or, buy candy that you do not like. It is better to give out small packets of pretzels or play-dough or fruit roll ups.

2)    Keep in your mind that there will always be candy, but you are choosing to improve your health right now, and candy will not help you reach your goal!

3)    Make your own fudgesicles by freezing the chocolate shakes.

4)    Freeze crystal light for a fruity, candy-like desert.

5)    Sugar free Jell-o is a great candy-like snack

6)    Do not stay at home on Halloween handing out your treats.  Instead, grab a bottle of water and take a nighttime walk around the neighborhood to take in all the ghoulish sights!

7)    Bring healthy snacks to work (see Healthy Snack list) to keep from being tempted by candy in the office.

8)    Cut up a healthy snack such as a Medifast bar and put it in a baggie.  Freeze it for a sweet treat later!

9)    A great idea to help keep the piles of candy from going into your children’s body…Have them pick out 5 pieces of candy out of their bag and “buy” the rest of the bag from them for 10 dollars and then take them to the toy store to get a prize! Remember to throw the bags of candy away or give to a shelter!!!!!!

  10) Stay in touch with your Health Coach, we can help you stay strong
Remember, a great analogy is the concert pianist… If you were a child, and you wanted to be a concert pianist (primary goal) you would need to practice every day (secondary goal), and make choices that may not be your favorite (not get to play with friends, travel, lessons, miss parties, miss play dates, etc…) But… you would perform these secondary goals if it helps you to reach your primary goal.

Well, we are doing the same thing… our primary goal is to lose weight and get healthy.  Some secondary goals are…exercise daily, drink water, stay away from extra carbohydrates and starches, do not drink alcohol, possibly decide not to go to some parties, and do not eat Halloween candy!  And we will make these secondary choices because it will help us to reach what is most important to us right now… to lose weight, feel great, and to look and be healthy!!  It is your choice.  It will always be your choice :-)
Lori Andersen

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