Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

mothers day

Mother's Day Luncheon

veggie quiche
Lean & Green veggie quiche
6 eggs
3 cups chopped green and red peppers and lightly steamed broccoli
1/2 cup skim milk
1/4 cup hard cheese, such as parmesan or romano
non-stick spray
In large pie plate or casserole baking dish, spray with non-stick oil and arrange chopped veggies, top with cheese and pepper. In separate bowl, mix milk and eggs. When combined, pour over veggies.
Provides 2 servings with 1 lean, 3 greens and 1 health fat serving.

Healthy Mom's Club

angela b and a
Angela lost 45 pounds. Typical results are 2-5 lbs per week for 2 weeks and 1-2 lbs per week thereafter.
Heidi lost 100 pounds!
ruth lost 47
Ruth lost 47 pounds!
Congratulations to these healthy mothers who have made their own health a priority so that they can also take great care of others. Happy Mother's Day!

Healthy Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Are you tired of buying your mom the same old candy and flowers for mother's day? Here are a few healthy ideas to inspire you and make your mom smile:
1. Have you heard about the new trend in bracelets? Check out the FitBit Flex, a fitness tool to help Mom track her steps, sleep, and daily activity to help meet her goals.
2. What about a beautiful journal? Studies show that successful people journal regularly and furthermore, those who write down their food and exercise are much more likely to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Plus, journals are a great place for Mom's expressions of love for her family. Her first entry will likely read like this: "May 11, 2014, today I got a lovely and thoughtful gift from my amazing/handsome/lovely/talented (son or daughter)."
3. Plan an experience with your mom. Quality time with her favorite daughter at the spa getting pedicures or happy conversation with her son at the local farm-to-table restaurant will mean a lot to Mother Dearest.

I need my health coach!

family pic
We are your COPE certified health coaches! Please let us know how we can assist you or your mother or someone you love and their mother! We love what we do and find coaching YOU in your health to be fun and fulfilling! Ready to get started on program? Call us (Jill) 541-852-2261 or (Shane) 503-559-2445 or click here.

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