Thursday, August 14, 2014

Plan for Success!

healthy food wrapped in tape measure

Make a Plan...

Summer is leading us into that glorious time of year in which we buy school supplies, create a stable schedule and GET ORGANIZED! Are you ready for a plan to help you in your pursuit of optimal health? Read on friends!
stuffed peppers

Garden Harvest Lean & Green

These stuffed peppers satisfy that pioneer urge to make dinner straight out of the garden!
4 medium sized bell peppers, any color
12 ounced cooked lean ground turkey
1 cup chopped zucchini
1 cup chopped tomatoes
chopped basil, oregano and/or your favorite fresh herbs
fresh ground pepper
Cook ground turkey in skillet with pepper and herbs of choice. Mix turkey with chopped veggies and stuff into peppers. Top with a pinch of parmesan cheese (optional.) Bake peppers in baking dish at 350 for 20 minutes and serve hot. This recipe makes enough for 2 full lean and greens, so invite a friend over and enjoy!

Inspiration Corner

Katie lost 75
Featured today for a little bit of inspiration is our friend Katie. She reached a point in her 20's with marriage on the horizon when she wanted to push the restart button and begin again. By eating 6 small meals a day, drinking lots of water and of the course the support and encouragement of a health coach, Katie lost 75 pounds and has maintained it for over a year now by living out our habits of health system. She and her new hubby are starting out their life together by creating health!

Making a plan at the grocery store

grocery store
Here are a few easy tips for success while a the grocery store:
1. Make a list ahead of time. Planning recipes will not only help you shop for the things you really need, it will save you money too.
2. Buy colorful veggies. It's a great way to teach children- eat all the colors of the rainbow!
3. Shop the perimeter. See picture below. Avoid that danger zone!

Free to Be...

Please take a moment to check out the story of our friends Lisa and Jaime Castro and how our program has changed their lives.

Give your health coach a little LOVE!

coaches riding bikes
We are your COPE certified health coaches and we love supporting and coaching you and your friends & family! Call us anytime! Shane 503-559-2445 or Jill 541-852-2261.
Enjoy these last few precious days of summer,
Shane & Jill