Thursday, May 31, 2012

Live a Healthy Day Today

Here is a great couple of ideas to help remind you of some awesome healthy habits to adopt for life: 

Eat Breakfast. Studies show that the people who manage their weight best eat breakfast every day. Try to eat within 30-60 minutes of waking up to get your metabolism jump started for the day. Wait any longer and your body may go into starvation mode and then store what you eat later on.

This one is a no-brainer: exercise! 30 minutes of walking or other simple activity daily is an essential healthy habit for life.

Make a choice to get healthy and then do it with support (health coach, weight loss partner, friend.) Weight loss is a journey and having someone walk along side you and encourage you will make you more successful. 

Eat 5-6 Low fat meals each day. Keeping your diet low in fat and sugar will assist you in your goal of optimal health.

Make an individual plan. Each person has their own body, likes and dislikes, not to mention sensitivities and allergies! Work with your health coach to design an eating plan that works best for you.

Monitor. Many people hit their goal weight only to gain some of it back because they stop paying attention. In addition to adopting healthy habits for life (not just until a number appears on the scale), you should also weigh yourself weekly on the same day so you know if you are beginning to lose control. That way you don't wake up one morning to find you've gained 30 pounds since you last checked.

Here's to your health!  Jill

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My story

My name is Jill and this is my before and after.

Before: I ate whatever tasted good to me in huge quantities. I wore clothes that were too tight because I could not stand the idea of buying the next size up, therefore I was constantly uncomfortable and reminded that my waistline didn't match with my jeans. I was irritated with people who had a healthy lifestyle because they made me feel bad about myself. When I got really motivated I would work out like crazy and then reward myself with food that contained more calories then I had burned. I was frustrated.

Then one day a friend reached out to me and offered me a lifestyle program of healthy eating that could help me reach my goal weight and maintain health for life. I couldn't wait to change! I joined the program, lost the weight and decided that I wanted to pay it forward and teach others the amazing things I had learned. I became a health coach.

Now I am helping others achieve their goals and it feels so good! I know where they are coming from and even better, I can teach them exactly how to change. I guess technically this is a job, but it's more like a fulfilling network of friends making good choices and achieving optimal health in their lives.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fabulous Healthy Frittata

We all need a little variety in our healthy dinners. Here is an amazing recipe that will fill your need for taste, quantity and health guidelines. And it has been certified L & G by nutrition support!

L & G Frittata

1 1/2 cups egg beaters
1 oz. low fat cheese, grated
4 T better than cream cheese organic tofu spread (buy this at Fred Meyer)
1 1/2 cups mixed veggies, such as mushrooms and spinach

Preheat oven to 350* and spray 8x8 pan with non-stick baking spray, preferably olive oil.

Mix all ingredients and place in pan. Top with thinly sliced tomatoes or mushrooms and bake for 30 minutes. The best part is that if you eat the whole pan it counts as 1 serving of protein, 2 servings of healthy fat, 3 servings of vegetables and one condiment (pan spray.) In other words, you have the hearty blessing of your health coach to eat the whole thing as your lean and green dinner. It's good for you, it tastes great, and it will fill your tummy. Enjoy!